Category Archives: Racism

California insanity at it again.

Every election cycle I do my due diligent s and actually go through and read all the propositions on the ballot. This year with the lock-downs I hope more Californians have the time to do the same.

My one little conservative vote doesn’t make much of a difference in this liberal state but I try and do my part, it makes me feel better and like I’m doing something, maybe if more did, we might have a chance of changing things here.

There’s 12 propositions on the ballot, just a couple I wanted to share with you. Please take the time, check them all out and vote.

For those of you who don’t live in this bastion of liberalism, let me share some of the insanity with you.

Prop-16 commercial make’s me sick every time I see it and made me want to write this post, take a look. Yes on Prop 16 – We Rise Together

Can there be anything more racist, divisive then this one? Of course the left plays on emotions because they have nothing to offer. While looking for this video I came across some encouraging video’s against it. Here’s just a couple. Mr. Ward Connerly on Tucker Carlson to Discuss Prop. 16 | No on Prop 16

Here’s another good one.
Justin Kotz
Started off making a video about recent events and affirmative action news with Tucker Carlson and Dinesh D’Souza which kind of morphed into welfare state mini historical documentary with Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and others.CA Prop 16 2020

This one speaks for it self, Prop-18: Voting at Age 17, yea right.

The Election Integrity Project California, a nonpartisan organization, argued against the amendment, saying that “17-year-olds are legal minors. Under that definition, they are still considered children. They are almost all still living at home and under the strong influence of their parents. This is not conducive to independent thought and voting without undue pressure from their immediate superiors… 17-year-olds will almost always still be in high school, and under the strong influence of their teachers. This again makes it less likely that they would be expressing their own, independently thought-out choices were they to be allowed to vote.”

A little sanity returning? Prop-20: Tougher Criminal Sentencing. Prop 20 Explained Vote Yes

Why Prop 25 No Bail is YOUR NIGHTMARE- Vote NO

Famous for high taxes blaming the rich for their problems and a lousy public school system like all the other times they raise taxes to help the failing public school system this one will do nothing to fix it except drive more business out of California.

Prop 15: Commercial Property Tax.

I never vote for funding this failed public school system. Nothing ever changes, they’r just indoctrination camps anymore and politicians just get more powerful. The teachers union has gone out of their way to prove their just a political organization this year. Look who’s funding it,

Proponents of the initiative named it the Schools and Local Communities Funding Act. Top contributors to the well-financed campaign included the California Teachers Association, the Service Employees International Union of California and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, run by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. Joe Biden and many other prominent Democrats have endorsed Prop. 15.

So, what are all those propositions on your ballot? What do they actually mean? “Ballot Brief” brings you all the information you need to get through the 2020 election season. Here you’ll find explainers that break down what the propositions are and what they mean for voters. BALLOT BRIEF

The Voter’s Self-Defense System

Every detail on thousands of politicians, all made simple to use and easy to understand VOTESMART

God bless you and America.

Please America, pay attention to this one. Why is no one talking about “The New Way Forward Act”

I Know it’s virtually impossible to ask this these days, but I’m going to anyway because it’s so important.

Regardless of you’re party affiliation, left, right, independent. Regardless of you’re thought’s of news agencies or commentators, that all needs to be set aside!

Thursday night I was watching the Tucker Carlson Tonight show and was shocked to here about this. He was talking about Immigration, MS-13 and then what I’ve never heard about before and no wonder. It’s called “The New Way Forward Act”.

First I’ll share the video’s from the show Thursday and Friday another article from the news site and then some more articles I found this morning, I guess the word is getting out some. I’ll also leave a link for the bill and a link to track the bill.

Please, take the time to look into it, share it, talk and debate it. Some may like it, some won’t be able to believe this is actuality being proposed and hate it.

From Thursday, Tucker: “Immigrants who commit serious crimes allowed to stay in the U.S.” Left downplaying MS-13 threat, making America less safe

At this moment there is a bill pending in Congress called the New Way Forward Act. It’s received almost no publicity, which is unfortunate as well as revealing.

The legislation is sponsored by 44 House Democrats, including Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. At roughly 4,400 words, it’s almost exactly as long as the U.S. Constitution. Tucker Carlson: Criminals would be protected from deportation under bill AOC and other House Democrats back

From Friday, “Bill would transform the country, make it unrecognizable.” Tucker: New Way Forward Act would make it nearly impossible to detain immigrants 

The Organized Communities Against Deportations, a local nonprofit focused on advocating against the deportation, detention and criminalization of immigrants, held the meeting late last month to spread awareness of the New Way Forward Act, an immigration reform bill.

Members from the organization said the bill would directly support Chicago’s undocumented immigrants by ending automatic deportation proceedings, mandatory detention and local police collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. CHICAGO ORGANIZERS WORRY NEW WAY FORWARD ACT WON’T PASS

What would you say about legislation requiring the government to use tax money to transport convicted criminal illegal aliens who’d already been deported back to the United States, calling it the “right to come home”?

What if that bill also created a situation in which a known Mexican drug cartel leader could be released from prison, enter the United States “illegally,” and it would no longer be a crime? Such radical and self-destructive legislation has already been proposed. The New Way Forward “End America” Bill: The Worst Legislation You Never Heard Of

Immigration experts and House Republicans are balking at the New Way Forward Act, a Democratic bill that is being described as an embrace of “open borders” and likely to be the most “radical” legislation ever introduced in history.

Democratic Illinois Rep. Jesús García, along with several other progressive House members, introduced the New Way Forward Act in December 2019, to seemingly little fanfare.

The bill, among many things, calls for the decriminalization of illegal immigration, would make it more difficult to deport convicted criminal aliens, empower immigration judges to nullify deportation orders, and also calls for the return of previously deported illegal aliens. ‘The Most Radical Piece of Immigration Legislation’: Experts, GOP React To Democratic ‘New Way Forward’ Bill

Here’s the link for the text of the bill, H.R.5383 – New Way Forward Act

To track the bill, “To reform the process for enforcing the immigration laws of the United States, and for other purposes.”

The bill’s titles are written by its sponsor.

Jesús García

Sponsor. Representative for Illinois’s 4th congressional district. Democrat. H.R. 5383: New Way Forward Act

Again, please. Love it, hate it but share it, debate it, comment, just get it out there.

God bless you and God bless America.


How the Democrats went off the deep end.

I was thinking the other day, what the heck happened to the dem’s? Then I remembered how it started. It actually started long before this but that will be shared in a later post I’m working on. but for now, just a short thought.

In September we will come up on the 7 year anniversary of the 2012 Democrat Convention in Charlotte SC. Remember it? It’s where the Democrats denied God three times and tried to distance it’s self from Israel.

If it weren’t for the heads of the party and Obama himself stepping in they would have changed their party platform to remove God from it and distance itself from our Allie Israel by denying Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Here’s some reminders and different points of view, my two cents follows. Democrats BOO GOD At Convention

Democrats boo vote to restore ‘God’

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte today booed, jeered and shook their fists when the chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, declared that an amendment to the party’s platform that restored a mention of God had been adopted.

The Party That Booed God

Sometime on Wednesday morning, panic set in when the head honchos of Team Obama, who I would argue can’t stand Israel or the God-language either, but who understand sales, marketing and branding; realized what had happened and rushed to rectify the move made by delegates.
That moment of intense stomach distress might possibly have coincided with the moment when distinguished Harvard Law Professor (aka “the Democrats’ brain”) Alan Dershowitz berated the Democratic Party for becoming the first major political party in the history of the U.S. to abandon Israel.
Now panic really set in.
The media reported that Obama himself made desperate calls to change the platform.
He must have realized that without God added back to the platform, his campaign for re-election was dead-before he even stepped on the stage for his acceptance speech Thursday.

Democrats Conventioneers Deny God “Three Times”

This is shocking, but does expose the majority of Democrats and their ideology.  God isn’t that important nor relevant.

It’s more than unfortunate, more than sad, but frightening that we have a political party in this nation openly mocking God.

Dems Quickly Switch to Include “God,” “Jerusalem”

The changes came after Republicans spent the morning criticizing Democrats for removing Jerusalem and God from their platform, which was adopted during the start of the convention on Tuesday. The Republican platform mentions God 12 times.

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Wednesday that taking the word “God” out of the Democratic platform proved that the party is “veering further and further away into an extreme wing that Americans don’t recognize.”

Democrats’ Efforts To Reinsert ‘God’ And ‘Jerusalem’ Into Platform Met With Loud Opposition (VIDEO)

A source informed on the deliberations told The Huffington Post that President Obama personally intervened to strengthen the language. Speaking with HuffPost, a senior Obama administration official also confirmed the president’s involvement.

But when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the convention chairman, came to the podium to ask for the approval of the delegates, those who shouted opposition to the language change were as loud, if not louder, than those who voiced their support.

Encase there is any doubt about their feelings on the issue on this 7th anniversary , yesterday “Democratic Party embraces nonreligious voters, criticizes ‘religious liberty’ in new resolution.”

Democratic Party embraces nonreligious voters, criticizes ‘religious liberty’ in new resolution

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) passed a resolution Saturday praising the values of “religiously unaffiliated” Americans as the “largest religious group within the Democratic Party.”
The resolution, which was unanimously passed at the DNC’s summer meeting on Aug. 24 in San Francisco, Calif., was championed by the Secular Coalition of America, an organization that lobbies on behalf of atheists, agnostics, and humanists on public policy.
The group celebrated the DNC’s move as the first time a major party “embraced American nonbelievers.”
“Religiously unaffiliated Americans overwhelmingly share the Democratic Party’s values,” said the resolution, which adds they should advocate for “rational public policy based on sound science and universal humanistic values.”

What comes to my mind is, Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. What comes to my mind is, Galatians 6:7 Romans 1:24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. Romans 1:24

Think about it. Isn’t it true looking at the Democrat party now? Abortion and all the other crazy things they want for America. For those of you that are into numerology, This being the 7th anniversary, 7 being the number of completion, could this be the end of the party?

Well, that’s my two cents. God bless America and you.

Horrible,14 year old child sent to electric chair.

I came across this on Google+1 yesterday and I couldn’t believe it and doubt many of you knew about it either, it really shocked me so I had to look into it.

Originally shared by Riggio Family – age 14, George Stinney Jr. is the youngest person that has ever been sentenced to death in the United States. He was accused of killing two white girls back in 1944. The bodies were found near the house where the teenager resided with his parents. 70 years later, his innocence was finally proven by a judge in South Carolina.

age 14, George Stinney Jr.
Note, The photos are stills from the movie about him, The Story of George Stinney, Jr.

Editor Note: He was never actually found innocent.

It also got me thinking about all the talk about reparations. If anyone deserves some sort of “Reparation” or compensation it’s this young mans family for the miscarriage of justice. More on that in a minute. First, a few things I found about George Stinney Jr.

It took 10 minutes to convict 14-year-old George Stinney Jr. It took 70 years after his execution to exonerate him.

George Stinney Jr
George Stinney Jr was executed in 1944 for the murder of two white girls. (Reuters)

In March 1944, deep in the Jim Crow South, police came for 14-year-old George Stinney Jr. His parents weren’t at home. His little sister was hiding in the family’s chicken coop behind the house in Alcolu, a segregated mill town in South Carolina, while officers handcuffed George and his older brother, Johnnie, and took them away.

Two young white girls had been found brutally murdered, beaten over the head with a railroad spike and dumped in a water-logged ditch. He and his little sister, who were black, were said to be last ones to see them alive. Authorities later released the older Stinney – and directed their attention toward George.

Resurrecting the case of George Stinney 

George Stinney Jr. was executed
George Stinney Jr. was executed on June 16, 1944, at the age of 14 and remains the youngest person ever executed in the state of South Carolina.S.C. Department of Archives and History

August 31, 2016:
Leaders at the Charleston School of Law, along with 17 students, are beginning an effort to mount a civil rights case stemming from the 1944 execution of George Stinney Jr. Only 14 years old at the time, Stinney was arrested after two young girls were discovered murdered in Clarendon County, S.C.

He remains the youngest person put to death in the United States in the past century.

Strapped in the electric chair just two months following his conviction, his lawyer never attempted to appeal the jury’s verdict, which came after 10 minutes of deliberation.

It would be 70 years before a South Carolina judge vacated the conviction after finding constitutional violations during the original trial.

George Stinney Jr: Black 14-year-old boy exonerated 70 years after he was executed

Aime Ruffner
Aime Ruffner receives support from family and friends after testifying at the hearing to reopen the case for her brother.

George Stinney Jr became the youngest person to be executed in the US in the 20th century when he was sent to the electric chair in 1944, but more than 70 years after his death his conviction has been overturned.

Circuit Judge Carmen Mullen said the speed with which the state meted out justice against the boy was shocking and extremely unfair, and that his case was one of “great injustice” in her ruling exonerating Stinney Jr.

He was kept from his parents and any legal counsel when he was interrogated by authorities, and his supporters claim that the small, frail boy was so scared that he would have said whatever he thought would make the police happy, despite there having been no physical evidence linking him to the death of the girls.

Heres the trailer from a move made about George Junius Stinney Jr.

The Execution of George Stinney

Stinney was convicted in 1944 in a one-day trial[2] of the first-degree murder of two white girls: 11-year-old Betty June Binnicker and 8-year-old Mary Emma Thames.

After being arrested, Stinney was said to have confessed to the crime.[3][4] There was no written record of his confession apart from notes provided by an investigating deputy,[5] and no transcript of the brief trial. He was executed by electric chair.

If you’r interested, The is the move made about him available on YouTube.

Carolina Skeletons 1991 Full Movie

For those interested in more info, heres a link for the search results. George Stinney and the actual court record on the ruling.

Now, as for Reparations and the 2020 presidential candidates and all there talk about it. First let me share with you an excellent conversation Laura Ingraham had with Conservative author and filmmaker Shelby Steele.

2020 presidential Democrats push for slavery reparations

Conservative author and filmmaker Shelby Steele reacts to Democrats’ agenda to ‘resolve’ slavery on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

In case the YouTube video disappears heres the link for the original on Fox. 2020 presidential Democrats push for slavery reparations

Personally, I think it’s all BS. All society’s have been slaves at some point in history. BTW there were white slaves in America long before there where black slaves and they where treated a lot more brutally the the blacks. I ll bet a lot of the young people nowadays have no idea about the real history. I don’t have the time right now to give you all the links and info on it but look it up.

Blacks owned white slaves too BTW. If Kamala Harris and all the rest of the 2020 presidential candidates where really interested in “Reparations”, a good place to start would be with the muslims who still practice it today. Or, look in to her own heritage and country of Jamaica and the Spanish. They all seem to to think or make it out to be a exclusive problem or sin of America only.

There’s a lot of history, real history to be found on the subject if only it was taught or really searched for.

Well, that’s my two cents anyway. God bless you and God bless America.

Some things Never change. This day in History, “The first national congress of the Ku Klux Klan opens.”

I like many informed American’s are dumbfounded and amazed at how radical the progressive movement, (The left, Democrats, Liberals) have become after the election of President Trump. Well, not really. We always knew how and who they where but the opennesses and the length, the depth in which they have gone to divide, destroy America and ANYONE that does not fall in line with their agenda is just amazing.

But, if you look back at History you can see where it came from, maybe understand it and learn from it. Not that much has changed. Why do you think they are so hard pressed to erase it and rewrite the History books?

Check out these fact’s from, On This Day In History. What Happened Today In History

“A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more. Discover what happened today in history.”

In particular this day in 1925, The first national congress of the Ku Klux Klan opens.

What I found and many know but the left denies is a fascinating account of one of the way’s the left learned how to openly, with out apology operates today.

I hope you take the time to check out the link and read the whole Historical account.

Here are some excerpts from the account.

“In the new postwar Southern world, the political, economic and social landscape had changed forever. Deep bitterness and frustration followed on both sides and, some have argued, the war continued in what was simply a different theater.

POLITICAL FACTIONS IN THE NORTH had clamored for a more punitive handling of the defeated South than the moderate approach of President Abraham Lincoln and, after his assassination, President Andrew Johnson. Passed over Johnson’s veto, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 had granted citizenship and the same rights enjoyed by white male citizens to all male persons in the United States “without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude.”

With their victory in the 1866 mid-term elections, Radical Republicans in Congress further assumed responsibility for Reconstruction, effectively placing the entire South under military rule. Various Freedmen’s Bureau bills had extended full legal protections to former slaves, including rights to hold and inherit property, and establishing free schools for black children, all backed up with military supervision to ensure those new rights. By spring 1867, Congress had passed several additional Reconstruction acts that were an anathema to the South, including the registration of freedmen to vote.

Out of all the elements of a forcibly reordered Southern society, it was the altered status of freedmen that rubbed many in the South the most raw. While emancipation may have been tolerated (indeed, some planters welcomed the passing of the slaveholding system), the elevation of former slaves to a position equal to whites could not be imagined—let alone tolerated. As George Washington Cable pointed out in his 1890 The Negro Question, “Emancipation had destroyed private, but it had not disturbed public, subjugation. The ex-slave was not a free man; he was only a free Negro.

And that free Negro was now in competition with lower-strata Southern whites for their very livelihoods, wages and land. Worse yet from the Southerner’s perspective, that same freedman had joined with carpetbaggers and scalawags in an unholy trinity, allied with Republicans rather than Democrats to further the ends of the war’s victors.

When coercion or intimidation of African Americans did not work to restore conservative Democratic power and relegate blacks to their previous place in Southern society, violence and terror became the tools Southern secret societies used to effect political control.

The beginnings of the Ku Klux Klan were fairly innocuous, especially when compared to what the organization became. The exact date the group was founded is unclear—like much about its beginnings—but it probably occurred in the summer of 1866. Tradition holds that the group was founded in Pulaski, Tenn., with the organizational meeting taking place in the law office of Judge Thomas M. Jones, whose son was one of the six young Confederate veteran founders. Those early members later maintained they started the group out of boredom after returning to small-town Pulaski after the war, and that playing pranks on one another was more the order of those early days.

The name came from combining the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle or band, with clan as “Klan.” With a name borrowed from the classics, and rituals and designations for officers (“Grand Cyclops,” “Grand Magi” and the like) derived from collegiate fraternities, the group traces its origins to the more affluent members of Southern society.

But within a year, what started as a small-town social club had become a vigilante outfit. Pulaski was in the midst of a crime wave, mainly property crimes like robbery or burglary, that white citizens attributed to freedmen. KKK members began to use intimidation to disarm freedmen, donning costumes and invading black homes at night, ostensibly for public safety.

Earlier efforts had been made to encourage black voters to vote Democratic, including issuing handsome certificates to those who voted the Democratic ticket, or “protection papers,” in some parts of the South. And white landlords and employers wielded significant economic clout through firings and eviction. But these 
more peaceful, albeit coercive, means were now in large part over.

“The Klan became in effect a terrorist arm of the Democratic party, whether the party leaders as a whole liked it or not,” Allen W. Trelease noted in his 1979 book White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction.

It is not clear what more moderate Southerners thought as Klan membership spread across the South and truly horrifying stories of “outrages”—beatings, lynchings, assassinations, rape and destruction of property—became widely known. Was there tacit approval in the silence, or fear of violent retaliation toward themselves and their families?

The numbers involved either in Klan membership or those harmed by its violence are impossible to determine, although many historians have suggested the actual numbers of deaths and injuries are many times greater than the thousands known.

Many sources say former Confederate Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest became the KKK’s Grand Wizard in 1867. But when he testified to Congress about the Klan in 1871, he at best minimized his involvement or at worst denied membership—though others reported seeing him in 1867, in full Klan regalia, night-riding to scare off potential Republican voters.

He claimed, however, that the Klan’s aims were nonviolent and merely political, aimed at protecting the Southern white society from the so-called Loyal Leagues—men’s clubs dedicated to the Union, Radical Reconstruction policies and the Republican Party. The subjugation of blacks in the South was presumably incidental to this view.

There is a perhaps tired truism about losing the battle but winning the war. While activities of secret societies did not achieve the short-term goals of preventing Republican candidates from winning state and local offices in the years immediately after the war or stopping African-
American voters from helping elect a Republican president in 1868, they did effectively shut African Americans out of full participation in elections for decades.

They established a pattern in the South of repressing black voters that continued through the Jim Crow years and the civil rights battles of the 1960s.”

This is their core, their History along with their bible and S.O.P of Saul Alinsky‘s “Rules for Radical” is it any wonder what’s really going on here and the desired end result?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Saul Alinsky

A nice follow up for any interested Conservative, check out, 12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals By, John Hawkins of Townhall.

“Not all liberals have read his book or know his name, but his tactics have become universal. Sadly for conservatives, when two evenly matched forces go head-to-head outside of a fairy tale, the side that tries to play nice usually ends up with its head in a box.

So, don’t lie or become an evil person like Alinsky, but learn from what he wrote and give the Left a taste of its own medicine.”

What’s that old saying? “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.”




